Leg Up in English / Golf

What are you waiting for?

Come to Leg Up English and Golf for study or pleasure.

Learn English in a home environment, NOT in a classroom.

Practice golf when it is convenient for you.  Rain or shine!

Experience English language and culture by interacting face to face with me.

Our English classroom is a small friendly environment.  We sit at a circular table where talking and leaning about English is fun and relaxing.  A computer is also connected to a big screen where you can practice your English by giving a presentation.  Class members can see your English progress and interact with you via questions and answers. 

If school-age students need help for an upcoming test, we can practice reading, writing, spelling, grammar, etc.  And they will always improve their listening just by being in class each week with a native English teacher.  

If you love golf, or want to start golf, our small studio is perfect.  You can play on a rainy day.  You can play at night when it’s dark.  We have a golf simulator where you can hit the golf ball and watch where and how it flies – just like on a golf course.  That simulator connects with a computer where your swing can be analyzed and improvements can be made.  I am a USGTF Certified Golf Teaching Professional.  I’m not a PGA tour pro, but I can teach you how to play better golf. 

If you want to just play a round of golf with friends, the simulator is quite close to the real thing.  You can play 18 hole in less than 2 hours.  If you want to challenge your friends in shot-making skills – set the computer to skills and see who can hit (for example) closest to the pin…. or longest drive… or best chip.

You can learn one-on-one or in small groups.  If you have a friend or two and you want to learn to play golf, come see me.  I can help.  If you have time come play golf with me,  I try to play on the course once a week.  I can give you some golf tips on the course while we play.

Come visit our golf studio, give it a try.  If you like it, let’s get you into one of the practice times – or possibly arrange a different time.

We will do our best to accommodate you.