
Please take our survey. We are still trying to work out all aspects of this English Classroom and Golf Studio business.  The more information we can get on our clientele, the better the program we can create. We look forward to your reply. Thank you.

General questions:

  1. Which city or Kagamino area do you live in?
  2. Which age group are you?  under 12 / teens / 20s / 30 – 50 / over 50
  3. Are you interested in learning English or Golf?

English related questions:

  1. What is your level of English?  1 = beginner….. 10 = advanced
  2. Would you like to learn (or learn more) speaking / reading  & writing / listening to English?
  3. Are you interested in learning more about American culture?
  4. Which day of the week and time is the most convenient for you to study English?

Golf related questions:

    1. How often do you play?
    2. Do you take golf lessons?
    3. What is your average score?
    4. What is a weak point in your golf swing / game?
    5. Which days and times are the most convenient for you to practice golf (in a studio)?

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